About Us
High Quality Tactical Solutions
General Contractor, Oil & Gas Man Power Supply, Structure Steel, Mechanical, Civil & Building Engineering, Industrials Desludging
The company has many years of experiences in carrying out specific trade and Waste Management has been KBE’s core business
Ka Ban Enterprise (KBE) was set up in response to Government’s call for Bumiputra to actively participate in business. The company started out as Ka Ban Enterprise was formed in 1994 as a sole propiertor company. The company was incorporated into Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia in August 2012. KBESB is a Private Limited Company with 100% Bumiputera equity having fully managing by experiences and qualified Bumiputera.
KBESB business objective is to provide a multi-discipline service in constructions for the Oil and Gas Industry, Government Departments, and other private or individual projects including supply of manpower and materials.
To provide both services and products of HIGH QUALITY to our clients.
• To ensure a SAFE and HEALTHY working environment whilst being environmentally conscious.
• To operate in an ethical and socially responsible manner.
• To grow steadily and build our strength through customer service and excellence without sacrificing corporate governance and accountability.
• To expand the Company and business scope in line with the Government’s policies and objectives.
• To strive for knowledges and technologies to enhance our skills.
Some Cool Facts
Numbers Speak For Themselves
Quality Comes First! We Make Sure That Every Minute Detail Is Looked Into While Manufacturing Even The Smallest Product. Our Focus Is 100% On Client Needs And Satisfaction.
Quality Policy
Ka Ban Enterprise is fully committed in pursuing a Quality system consisting of a documented set of procedures and processes that is intended to guide the organization in its daily activities in attaining the following objectives: Provide quality and reliable products and services. Customer oriented and responsive to client needs and demands. Being predictable, profitable and socially responsible.
The quality System will be focused on those activities that have the most impact on the stated objectives. The Board of Directors and Senior Management shall ensure adequate resources and training be allocated to achieve an Organization that is fully dedicated towards delivering total quality products and services.
Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)
KBE ensure a healthy, safe, environmentally and strive to create a safe working environment to the contractors, customers so that the public will not be exposed to accidents or other health or safety hazard.
All crew members are subjected to routine medical examination to confirm continued health worthiness.
All workers are to take adequate rest breaks, to ensure they do not suffer fatigue, or become overly tired. Do not exceed 10 hours of working within 24 hours and have a minimum break of 30 min for every 4 hours of work.
KBE is committed to provide the highest safety standard to ensure its employees and assets is safe and productive, while the workers are responsible for the safety of themselves and others in their surroundings. KBE is to ensure the safety of all its personnel by conforming to relevant and applicable Safety Legislation. KBE shall endeavor to collaborate with suppliers, regulators and other interested parties to provide necessary training to promote the use of safe practices and equipment. As MINIMUM all crew members must attain and obtain CIDB green card or NIOSH Oil and Gas Safety Passport(OGSP) and basic HSE training as a prerequisite, pre-condition for employment.
To ensure operations follow guidelines under Department of Environment and municipal authority (i.e, Bintulu Developmental Authority, BDA) in regards to matters towards the environment as it is our duty and responsible to conserve and preserve the environment around us.
We Are The Creators You Can Trust On For A Perfect Solution To All Your Needs.
Our Team
People Behind the Scenes!
Rental / Supplies Mobile Toilets & Desludging Services
Ka Ban Enterprise known as KABAN, is involves in Constructions, Oil & Gas Supplies and Services, Waste Managements, Industrial and Domestic Desludging, we also Providing Mobile Toilets for Rental daily, monthly or yearly are all welcome. The Company was founded August 29, 1994, The largest mobile toilets service provider, deployed 135 Units, our extensive experiences in this fields have been successfully serves our business partners around Sarawak especially Bintulu areas.
Founder: Jimy Talasa, Dip, Adv dip, Master in Bus Mgt.
Managing by: Ronald Atorm, Bachelors in Chemical Engineering.
Owners: Supported by 100% group of Bumiputras.
Founded: August 29, 1994, Miri Sarawak.
Warehouse: Lot… Mile 18½ Bintulu-Miri Pan Borneo Highway Road Bintulu.
Equipment Deployments: 139 Mobile Toilets, 2 Units Desludging Trucks, Fast deliveries & etc.
No of Local Employees: 20 (2013 ~ 2022)
Call Contact Persons: As stated in the list.